Nanny Lubis

Nanny Lubis

Founder (1926-1993)

November 24, 1926 is one of the happiest days for Ir. Abdul Hadi Lubis and Siti Nurida Siregar. That day, their second of four children was born, and she was named Nanny Anistasia Lubis. Little did they know that in the coming years, Nanny would become one of the most prominent figures in Indonesia’s dance and fitness world.

Nanny’s formal education began with what was then called ELS (equivalent to modern day Elementary School), then continued to MULO (Junior High School) and then SMT (now known as High School). She further continued her study and enjoyed college life at the University of Indonesia in the Faculty of Law and Literature. During her school years, Nanny had been known as a very active young lady and was involved in various sports activities, her favorite being the discus throw.

Nanny began her journey into the world of ballet at the age of 12. At that time she trained under the tutelage of Madame Meyer, a ballet teacher from the Netherlands. Seeing her student’s talent and immense ambition, Madame Meyer suggested Nanny to start her own ballet school. Taking her teacher’s advice into heart, Nanny established NAMARINA in 1956.

Along with her growing interest in ballet and fitness, she had travelled to all parts of the world to further her knowledge in the two fields. She travelled to the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan, and the United States. Lola Rogge Ballettschule in Hamburg, Taylor Beauty & Body Culture in Singapore and the Royal Academy of Dance in London, are among the number of schools in which she studied. From those schools she obtained licenses as a ballet teacher and fitness instructor.

Aside from her endeavours in ballet and fitness, Nanny had a stint as a broadcaster with Radio Republik Indonesia for a few years. She eventually resigned because the school required her full and undivided attention.

Nanny Lubis did not only show her dedication to arts and fitness, but gave her love and knowledge to us all. By instilling these values, we are determined  to continue her vision to build a healthy nation and to nurture the public’s appreciation of the arts.

During her life, Nanny received various acknowledgements and awards from the government of the Republic of Indonesia and various prominent organizations, local and abroad. Below are a few of the awards:


Veteran of Independence Army of the Republic of Indonesia


One of Indonesian women featured in the book “The World’s Who’s Who Women”


Pioneer Lady of Indonesia’s Fitness